In this episode, I revisit the foundational and most critical element of leadership development - the engagement of one's self-leadership. Another word I will use interchangeably with self-leadership is self-mastery. As the words imply - self-leadership is about leading yourself - which entails understanding your vision for your impact, understanding and leveraging what motivates you to inspire action, attending to self-care, and holding yourself accountable nonjudgmentally to ensure your actions are aligned or in integrity with your aspirations. I trust you will find value in revisiting this foundational aspect of BEING a leader.
Unfazed Under Fire Podcast - Host: David Craig Utts, Leadership Alchemist
In this episode, I revisit the foundational and most critical element of leadership development - the engagement of one's self-leadership. Another word I will use interchangeably with self-leadership is self-mastery. As the words imply - self-leadership is about leading yourself - which entails understanding your vision for your impact, understanding and leveraging what motivates you to inspire action, attending to self-care, and holding yourself accountable nonjudgmentally to ensure your actions are aligned or in integrity with your aspirations. I trust you will find value in revisiting this foundational aspect of BEING a leader.
Unfazed Under Fire Podcast - Host: David Craig Utts, Leadership Alchemist